Showing posts with label Art Galleries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art Galleries. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Painting Sold to Great Collectors

James Barrett and Roland Lee

Venna Barrett with Roland Lee painting just purchased

 Venna Barrett and her son James purchased my painting, "Walking Through Time." James works for SpaceX on the Starlink program and has hiked Angels Landing in Zion Park many times. He and his mother Venna are wonderful art collectors and avid hikers.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Mark Gamett Buys Roland Lee Painting

 One of my dear friends, and an amazing painter dropped by my studio with his wife and purchase a few of my original paintings recently. He also decided to buy the painting "As I See It" which was my demonstration painting for the 2021 Utah Plein Air presentation. I am so thankful for such good friends as Mark.

Mark Gamett with Roland Lee Painting

Bracken's Purchase Paintings

 I am grateful to the Bracken's for purchasing three of my original paintings this week. It is such a joy to have my paintings grace the walls of so many wonderful collectors.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Watercolor Workshop at Maynard Dixon Property for Girl's Academy

My son, Jonathan, and I enjoyed sharing our talents with a great group of young ladies from a Kanab Girl's Academy. The girls, with their leaders traveled to the Maynard Dixon Property in Mt. Carmel Utah, where we spent a couple of hours working on watercolor paintings, before enjoying a tour of the Maynard Dixon property and Edith Hamlin studio. I was excited to share with them the rich heritage of artists who lived and worked in East Zion area. Thanks to their leaders, along with Emilie who took us through the Bingham Gallery. We are also grateful to Paul and Susan Bingham who work so hard to make the Dixon Property available to our young people.

Visiting the Edith Hamlin Studio 
Roland Lee teaches a group of young ladies

A visit to the Bingham Art Gallery

Friday, February 14, 2020

Roland Lee Wins First Place at Dixie Sears Art Museum Invitational

Artist Roland Lee and collector Betsy McChesney stand in front of Roland's first place painting "Golden Day in Zion" at Dixie Sears Art Invitational

I was pleased to win the first place ribbon in watercolor at the Dixie Sears Invitational art show held at the Eccles Fine Arts Center Sears Art Museum. Art collector Betsey McChesney purchased the award-winning painting "Golden Day in Zion" at the event.

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Featured Artist at Gallery 35

Roland Lee Featured Artist at Gallery 35. Senior Sampler article

Article on Roland Lee being the featured artist at Gallery 35 From February 5 through April 29. Roland will have 10 paintings on exhibit during that time. Gallery hours are 11am to 6pm Wednesday through Saturday. Gallery address 35 North Main, St. George UT 84770.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

29 Paintings Sold at 3-Man Show

Jim, Jonathan and Roland Lee hanging paintings for their first three-man show at the Roland Lee Art Gallery in St. George, UT.
Wow, what a fun experience having my two sons, Jim and Jonathon, join me for a three-man show at my St. George Gallery. I took most of my own artwork down except for about ten paintings and literally filled my walls with the watercolors of my sons. Both have been really good at drawing since childhood, but only in the past two years have taken up painting. So it was  areal thrill to have them join me for our first big show together. We had lots of people come to the opening reception Thursday night, and all day Friday and Saturday. Amazingly we sold 29 paintings between the three of us so it was a resounding success. I hope we can do it again some time.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Roland Lee to Speak about Artist Robert Shepherd at St. George Art Museum Art Talk

Robert L. Shepherd Memorabilia on display at St. George art Museum

Robert Lorenzo Shepherd mural in Los Angeles Temple

Robert L. Shepherd with paintings

Roland Lee with his mentor Robert L. Shepherd paintings at retrospective exhibit for Shepherd in St. George Art Museum
The late artist and painter Robert Shepherd at a St. George exhibit in 1984

Artist Roland Lee will give an art talk about his mentor, the late Robert Shepherd at the St. George Art Museum August 15, 2019. A reception and refreshments will start at 6pm with the talk beginning at 7pm. Roland will use Powerpoint slides to introduce Shepherd's work to an audience that may not be aware of his impact on Southern Utah Art. A retrospective exhibit of Shepherd's work is currently on display at the museum and will continue through October.

Robert Shepherd art exhibit brochure 2019

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Western Art Collector Magazine Article on Zion Canyon Artists

David Brown article in Western Art Collector July 2019 about Zion Park and Grand Canyon
David Brown wrote a wonderful feature article for the July 2019 Western Art Collector magazine which spotlighted the centennial celebrations this year of both Zion National Park and Grand Canyon National Park. I was pleased that he quoted me a number of times in the article as he talked about the experiences of artists such as Gunnar Widforss, Maynard Dixon, and Thomas Moran. He mentioned many of today's active plein air artists as well. Thanks to publisher Josh Rose for producing a great magazine.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Amazing Turnout for Retrospective Exhibit Opening

Roland Lee speaking at DSU Sears Art Museum

Over 100 people turned out for my opening reception on June 7 for my 40-year retrospective show. The show runs at the Dixie State University Sears Art Museum through August 2, 2019. I gave a short talk. Thanks to Kathy C. and her awesome crew for the setup.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Two Paintings Selected for Utah Watercolor Society Show

The Utah Watercolor Society summer Small Painting Show features paintings by Roland Lee and his sons Jim Lee and Jon Lee. The show will hang at the Sego 3 Gallery in Salt Lake City through the summer months. "Farmyard Chores" and "Two Cowboys" will be in the show.
"Farm Chores" watercolor by Roland Lee

"Two Good Cowboys" watercolor by roland Lee

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Arts to Zion Studio Tour

I invited my good friend and artist Royden Card to share my studio space during the 2019 Arts to Zion Studio Tour. His vivid acrylic landscapes and fascinating woodcuts were a great combination with my watercolor paintings. We had a great turnout and enjoyed visiting with the collectors during the Martin Luther King weekend.

Artists Roland Lee and Royden Card at the Roland Lee Studio during the 2019 Arts to Zion Studio Tour 
Royden Card
Roland Lee Studio
Royden Card with Woodcut materials

Friday, August 17, 2018

See you at Maynard Dixon Country

Join us at Maynard Dixon Country August 22 - 25, 2018

Schedule of events 2018 Maynard Dixon Country

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Invited to present at Maynard Dixon Campout and Symposium in August

Watercolorists Roland Lee and Jim Asher on the Maynard Dixon Property 

I have been invited to attend the Maynard Dixon Campout August 22-25 as a featured presenter and demonstrator. This will be an excellent opportunity to attend several seminars and demonstrations by some top western artists.
The following artists will be symposium participants and/or give painting demonstrations:

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Painting Generates $2900 at Southern Utah Museum of Art Auction

Zion Narrows Watercolor 14 x 10
After spirited bidding, this painting generated $2900 for the Southern Utah Museum of Art tonight during the annual auction at Rusty's Steak House. Thanks to Michelle Jorgenson and ERA Realty for being the winning bidders. I'm so glad to be able to make a contribution to SUMA. What a wonderful addition to the cultural arts in southern Utah. Hats off to the SUMA board and director Jessica Farling for their leadership.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Atkins Purchase Painting at Sears Dixie Invitational Art Show

Ralph and Cheri Atkin with Roland Lee at the 2018 Sears Invitational Art Show

Thanks to Ralph and Cheri Atkin who purchased my watercolor Painting called "Ripples of Gold' at the 31st annual exhibit of the Robert N. and Peggy Sears Invitational Art Show and Sale. The show is held each year in the Sears Museum Gallery on the Dixie State University Campus. 40% of the sales goes towards student scholarships, so it is a great cause. Robert and Peggy Sears spent years helping raise funds for the new art museum on the campus. Their legacy certainly lives on.

Best of Show Dixie Watercolor Society

Nellie and Roland Lee at the Dixie Watercolor Society Exhibit
I was thrilled to win Best of Show at the Spring 2018 Exhibit of the Dixie Watercolor Society. Thanks to Maureen Booth and the other board members who organized the exhibit.
My watercolor painting "East Zion Aria" was the winning painting. Here are the other winners. Thanks to everyone for your hard work.


Best of Show:
Roland Lee

Signature Artists:
1st Place: Karen March
2nd Place: Bill Sherwin
3rd Place: Karen Bettilyon

Honorable Mention:
Sean Rowley
Jan Bown
Mary Jane Grow
Michelle Manriquez
Shari Cannon
Eddi Malloy

Associate Artists:
1st Place: Julie Strong
2nd Place: Carole Foster
3rd Place: Ray Pittman

Honorable Mention:
Jan Hansen
Maureen Booth
Bev Mangum
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Sunday, September 10, 2017

A New Home for "Far View - Capitol Reef"

Watercolor painting "Far View at Capitol Reef" by Roland Lee
I was thrilled when one of my favorite landscape artists Bruce Everett purchased my watercolor painting "Far View Capitol Reef" recently. His stunning landscapes are an inspiration to me. Thanks to Paul and Susan Bingham for introducing Bruce to my work at their beautiful Bingham Gallery in Mt. Carmel, UT.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Paintings Sold at Maynard Dixon Campout

In spite of the high temperatures and dusky skies from the Brian Head fire, the Maynard Dixon Campout turned out great. We saw some great demonstrations and painted shoulder to shoulder with some terrific plein air artists. I was happy to meet several new collectors including Don Freitas and Darci Quane who purchased two paintings, "Don't Fence Me In," and "Vermillion Cliffs"  and Lucy and Eric Esplin who purchased a plein air piece called "Up the Muddy."
Roland Lee and Lucy Esplin at the Maynard Dixon Campout

Roland Lee plein air paintings at the 2017 Maynard Dixon campout

Roland Lee with Darci Quane and Don Freitas at the Maynard Dixon Campout. They purchased "Don't Fence Me in."

Friday, January 13, 2017

The third day of the Arts to Zion artists studio tour continues today. Royden Card and I are enjoying the many people who have stopped by to see our artwork. The open house continues Saturday January 14 and Monday January 16.
Royden Card with his acrylic paintings at the Roland Lee Gallery

Roland Lee with new paintings of the National Parks during the Arts to Zion tour