Showing posts with label Art Museums. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art Museums. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2020

Just Released "The River Flows - Artists of the American West"

I am so excited to have my paintings included with such notable artists as Dean Mitchell and others in this new coffee table book. Available in both hardbound, and special "clam shell" collectors editions, this gorgeous book traces the history of artist who worked in watercolor to portray the western landscape and people. Compiled by Don Weller and Marlin Rotach, the book is a magnificent addition to the art libraries, and I am deeply honored to have my paintings included.

New Painting Accepted in 52nd Annual Watercolor West International Juried Exhibit

I was notified that my painting "Moroccan Musician," painted after a trip to Spain and Marocco, was juried into the 2020 52nd annual Watercolor West International Juried Exhibition. This is the second straight year one of my paintings has been juried into this  elite show. It will be on display at the Brea Gallery in California from September through December 2020. The juror was noted watercolorist Iain Stewart.

Monday, February 24, 2020

TWSA 44th Annual International Watercolor Exhibit Selects Roland Lee Painting

The Roland Lee watercolor painting, "Railroad Summit" was juried in the 44th Annual Transparent Watercolor Society of America (TWSA) exhibition in Kenosha Wisconsin. I was excited to receive that announcement today. The exhibit runs May 2 through August 2, 2020 at the Kenosha Museum. That painting will also appear, along with four other Roland Lee paintings in the new book: The River Flows: Watercolors of the American West to be released in June 2020.

"Railroad Summit" watercolor painting by Roland Lee will be exhibited at he TWSA 44th annual exhibition in Kenosha Wisconsin.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Roland Lee Wins First Place at Dixie Sears Art Museum Invitational

Artist Roland Lee and collector Betsy McChesney stand in front of Roland's first place painting "Golden Day in Zion" at Dixie Sears Art Invitational

I was pleased to win the first place ribbon in watercolor at the Dixie Sears Invitational art show held at the Eccles Fine Arts Center Sears Art Museum. Art collector Betsey McChesney purchased the award-winning painting "Golden Day in Zion" at the event.

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Square One Student Art Exhibit at SUMA

Roland Lee at Square One student exhibit SUMA art museum

I was one of the jurors for the new southern Utah High School art exhibit called "Square One." The brainchild of Jessica Farling, director of the Southern Utah Museum of Art, Square One represents all high schools in the souther part of Utah. Congratulations to all the young artists who made it. Their art is exciting and innovative.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Roland Lee to Speak about Artist Robert Shepherd at St. George Art Museum Art Talk

Robert L. Shepherd Memorabilia on display at St. George art Museum

Robert Lorenzo Shepherd mural in Los Angeles Temple

Robert L. Shepherd with paintings

Roland Lee with his mentor Robert L. Shepherd paintings at retrospective exhibit for Shepherd in St. George Art Museum
The late artist and painter Robert Shepherd at a St. George exhibit in 1984

Artist Roland Lee will give an art talk about his mentor, the late Robert Shepherd at the St. George Art Museum August 15, 2019. A reception and refreshments will start at 6pm with the talk beginning at 7pm. Roland will use Powerpoint slides to introduce Shepherd's work to an audience that may not be aware of his impact on Southern Utah Art. A retrospective exhibit of Shepherd's work is currently on display at the museum and will continue through October.

Robert Shepherd art exhibit brochure 2019

Friday, July 26, 2019

Roland Lee Watercolor "Railroad Summit" in Watercolor West 51st International Juried Exhibition

"Railroad Summit" 10 x 14 Watercolor by Roland Lee in the Watercolor West 51st International Juried Exhibition

Juror Keiko Tanabe selected my painting "Railroad Summit" to be included in the Watercolor West 51st International Exhibition. The show will run from October 12 through December 1, 2019 at the City of Brea Art Gallery in California.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

140 attend Roland Lee Talk at One-man-show Robert Sears Art Museum

I was overwhelmed by the turnout and support at my talk Friday night at the Robert and Peggy Sears Art Museum at Dixie State University. Over 140 attendees listened and participated as I told stories and showed a powerpoint of my 110 paintings in the Retrospective one-man exhibit. It was a real honor to display all these pieces collected back from collections over the past 40 years.
Roland Lee Retrospective exhibit at Robert and Peggy Sears Art Museum

Roland Lee speaks at retrospective art show Dixie State University Sears Museum

Roland Lee points out details on "Atkinville - The Last Visit" owned by Ralph and Cheri Atkin after talk at retrospective exhibit July 19, 2019

Over 110 paintings on display at Roland Lee one-man-show Sears Art Museum
Cover of Catalog for Roland Lee 40-year Retrospective June 2 - August 2, 2019

Over 110 paintings are on display at Roland Lee Retrospective art exhibit 2019

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Western Art Collector Magazine Article on Zion Canyon Artists

David Brown article in Western Art Collector July 2019 about Zion Park and Grand Canyon
David Brown wrote a wonderful feature article for the July 2019 Western Art Collector magazine which spotlighted the centennial celebrations this year of both Zion National Park and Grand Canyon National Park. I was pleased that he quoted me a number of times in the article as he talked about the experiences of artists such as Gunnar Widforss, Maynard Dixon, and Thomas Moran. He mentioned many of today's active plein air artists as well. Thanks to publisher Josh Rose for producing a great magazine.

Etched Magazine article about artist Roland Lee

Artist Roland Lee article in Etched Magazine July 2019

Many thanks to publisher Darci Hansen of Etched Magazine for their wonderful article about my artwork in the July 2019 issue. They did a great job of illustrating with old black and white photos of me and my wife Nellie. It was truly a lot of fun as the article told of my early beginnings as a painter and shared information about my current retrospective art show at the DSU Sears Museum.
Second Spread featuring Roland Lee paintings Etched Magazine

Black and White photo of Roland Lee painting in Zion Canyon by Gene Butera

"Falls at Emerald Pools" painting by Roland Lee featured on the Contents page of Etched magazine

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Amazing Turnout for Retrospective Exhibit Opening

Roland Lee speaking at DSU Sears Art Museum

Over 100 people turned out for my opening reception on June 7 for my 40-year retrospective show. The show runs at the Dixie State University Sears Art Museum through August 2, 2019. I gave a short talk. Thanks to Kathy C. and her awesome crew for the setup.

Thursday, June 06, 2019

At Work Hanging My Retrospective Show

We had a great crew including volunteers helping to prepare and hang my one man show at Dixie State University Sears Art Show today. It's going to be a killer show. Thanks to Kathy Cieslewicz, Beverly Mangum, Makenzie Dunford, Brady Richardson, Morgan Clements, Tara Baird and others at Dixie State for all their hard work, as well as their crew of volunteers.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

St. George Art Festival 2019

This was the 40th year for the St. George Art Festival and I have been in all of them since the very first one, except for two when we were serving a mission in California. That's a lot of shows! Our old bones were feeling it this year as we hauled paintings, set up display panels and tent, and dodged the hot sun all day. Thanks to our friend Janelle Gailey, and our kids and grandkids who helped a lot. It was nice to touch base with lots of old friends, fellow artists, and wonderful art collectors. I was able to sell all the Mukuntuweap books I brought, art cards, DVDs, giclee prints, and four originals! If that wasn't enough The St. George Art Museum purchased a big Zion painting for their permanent collection. Thanks to everyone who made this show a success.
St. George Art Festival  - Nellie and Roland Lee

My good friend and artist Wally Brazzeal

Roland Lee with Deborah Reeder from the St. George Art Museum and Shane McAffee, Liesure Services Director after purchasing my painting "A Time of Peace" for the Museum permanent collection

Roland Lee with former liesure services director Kent Perkins and Lyman Hafen

Annielaurie Howell and Roland Lee with her new painting

Lola Krumenacher with her new Roland Lee painting