Showing posts with label Historic Paintings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Historic Paintings. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2020

Just Released "The River Flows - Artists of the American West"

I am so excited to have my paintings included with such notable artists as Dean Mitchell and others in this new coffee table book. Available in both hardbound, and special "clam shell" collectors editions, this gorgeous book traces the history of artist who worked in watercolor to portray the western landscape and people. Compiled by Don Weller and Marlin Rotach, the book is a magnificent addition to the art libraries, and I am deeply honored to have my paintings included.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

140 attend Roland Lee Talk at One-man-show Robert Sears Art Museum

I was overwhelmed by the turnout and support at my talk Friday night at the Robert and Peggy Sears Art Museum at Dixie State University. Over 140 attendees listened and participated as I told stories and showed a powerpoint of my 110 paintings in the Retrospective one-man exhibit. It was a real honor to display all these pieces collected back from collections over the past 40 years.
Roland Lee Retrospective exhibit at Robert and Peggy Sears Art Museum

Roland Lee speaks at retrospective art show Dixie State University Sears Museum

Roland Lee points out details on "Atkinville - The Last Visit" owned by Ralph and Cheri Atkin after talk at retrospective exhibit July 19, 2019

Over 110 paintings on display at Roland Lee one-man-show Sears Art Museum
Cover of Catalog for Roland Lee 40-year Retrospective June 2 - August 2, 2019

Over 110 paintings are on display at Roland Lee Retrospective art exhibit 2019

Thursday, February 07, 2019

History of Southern Utah Presentation

I was invited to speak this evening at Dixie State University by the Institute for Continued Learning. My topic was "A Brush with History - Southern Utah's History in Art." I prepared a keynote presentation using my historic sketches and paintings through the years. We had a packed house of about 100 in the audience. My artist friend Mary Manning shot this photo of historian and former University president Doug Alder chatting after the presentation.
Former DSU President and historian Douglas Alder and Roland Lee 
Roland Lee giving presentation to ICL group at Dixie State University

Saturday, October 07, 2017

New Paintings for "The Way We Worked" Exhibit

These two paintings are part of the Dixie Watercolor Component of the Smithsonian's "Way We Worked" traveling exhibit. Gallery 35 on Main Street in St. George Oct 9-21.
"Helping" 10 x 14 watercolor by Roland Lee

"Retired" 10 x 14 watercolor by Roland Lee