Okay we just had to shoot this picture of Roland's olen bolen (a dutch pastry) at the Tholen Molen (windmill). We came halfway around the world just to do it.

Jim, Barb and Nellie on Kerkstraad (Church Street) in Tholen where their ancestors lived.

When in Rome...Nellie and Tricia take to the bikes just like the Dutch do. The Dutch people ride bikes everywhere, in any dress, in any weather. It actually is a great idea.

We celebrated Nellie's birthday with four orange cupcakes decorated with the Dutch flag. Orange is the predominant color here thanks to the soccer team and the Queen.

We bid farewell to Jim and Barbie at the Roosendaal train station. We are illegaly parked in a bus stop, and Right after we shot the picture the police came and told me to move. I was lucky to not get busted. We then picked up Nellie's sisters Tricia and Barbara who will be our travelling companions for the next week.
I've got lots of sketchbook drawings from Zeeland and we've enjoyed our time here. We are leaving today however for our next week in upper Holland near Deventer. Each day is a new adventure and we don't know if we'll find the internet again, so bye for now.