Sunday, January 12, 2025

Toquerville Falls, Yant Flats, and Laverkin overlook in one day

 It was one long day from sunrise to sunset, but I was able to see and sketch in three different awesome spots. My son Jim invited me to go on an "outing" and let me choose the spots. We had a fantastic time. He drives an electric Rivian, and it can pretty much go anywhere. The so-called "road" out to Toquerville Falls almost gave me a heart attack, and turned out to be the most challenging two-mile-an-hour rock crawling event I have ever been on. It is really a jeep trail, but Jim raised the Rivian, let some air out of the tires and we did just fine. What a day!

Roland Lee sketching at Toquerville Falls

Sunset on West Temple from the Laverkin overlook

Roland sketching at beautiful Yant Flats

Varied rock formations at Yant Flats

Jim Lee hiking at Yant Flat

Toquerville Falls watercolor 10 x 14

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Venna Barrett Purchases Another Zion Painting.

 I am so grateful to my wonderful collectors. Venna Barrett and her son James stopped by my home to see my paintings and left with a new big painting called "Canyon Crescendo."

Roland Lee with Venna and James Barrett and two new paintings they purchased