Monday, September 17, 2018

Featured in Western Art Collector Magazine

October 2018 Western Art Collector Magazine features Roland Lee Paintings

The "State of the Art Utah" section of Western Art Collector Magazine this month, October 2018 featured my painting "Sands of Time".  Roland Lee paintings "A Glimpse of Heaven" and "A Time of Peace" were also featured in an ad for Zion National Park Plein Air Art Invitational in the same issue.

Article Western Art Collector October 2018

Plein Air Utah Rendezvous and Retreat Painters

I snapped these photos during the week at the Utah Plein Air event. So much talent, and tons of fun!

Plein Air Utah Retreat and Rendezvous

Father and son team, Roland Lee and Jim Lee at Plein Air Rendezvous & Retreat
About 80 artists and 20 more instructors joined together in Midway Utah for the 2018 Plein Air Utah Retreat and Rendezvous. Four days of daily instruction, demos, seminars and outdoor painting culminated in a fantastic "Wet Paint Show and Sale" at the Midway town hall. Jointly sponsored by the Midway Art Association and the Plein Air Painters of Utah, the event is now in its second year. I was one of the instructors and made a presentation on plein air painting and gave a watercolor painting demonstration.  It was great to rub shoulders with Utah's best painters and aspiring artists. We have so much talent here in Utah. It was fun to have my artist son Jim Lee join us as well.

Original photograph, Sketchbook pencil study, and finished watercolor painting demonstrated at the 2018 Plein Air Utah Retreat in Midway UT

Roland Lee Finished watercolor demonstration painting at Midway Utah

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Roland Lee Watercolor Demonstration at Plein Air Utah Sept 12-15

Plein Air Utah will be held September 12-15 in Midway Utah. About 100 artists will gather for a plein air event featuring outdoor painting, painting demonstrations, talks and education. A joint effort of the Midway Arts Association and the Plein Air Painters of Utah, the event is now in its second year. Artist Roland Lee will be doing a watercolor demonstration on Friday afternoon at the Midway Town Hall.

Roland Lee Painting Featured in Plein Air Magazine ad

Roland Lee and Mary Jabens featured in ad for 2018 Zion National Park Plein Air event. 
I am pleased to be featured in the October 2018 issue of Plein Air Magazine in an ad for the 2018 Zion National Park Plein Air Invitational event.

Maynard Dixon Country 2018 a Huge Success

Artists Roland Lee and Glenn Renell at the 2018 Maynard Dixon Country event in Mt. Carmel UT

Some of the nation's best artists got together for a week of learning and comeraderie at the Maynard Dixon Country 2018 event. They were treated to artists demonstrations, presentations, seminars, along with great food, music, and outdoor painting. Held annually at the Maynard Dixon property in Mount Carmel UT the event is sponsored by the Thunderbird Foundation.

Friday, August 17, 2018

See you at Maynard Dixon Country

Join us at Maynard Dixon Country August 22 - 25, 2018

Schedule of events 2018 Maynard Dixon Country

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Fordson Tractor Painting Sold

Tony and Wendy Kraatz with new Roland Lee painting of a Fordson Tractor
Thanks to Tony and Wendy Kraatz who stopped by the studio and picked out "Retired" for their collection. It is a painting of a very old Fordson tractor which rests comfortably on the Mathews Ranch in Nevada.
Old Fordson Tractor at Mathews Ranch in Nevada
Painting by Roland Lee

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Everybody's a Critic - Plein Air Magazine

Roland Lee article in September issue of Plein Air Magazine

The current issue (September 2018) of Plein Air Magazine features me on the the back page "Postcards from the Road"! Well, not as fun as being on the front cover, but still, next to the back cover ain't bad. I tell about an experience I had with a curious cow while painting at Grafton Ghost town. My painting took a "lickin" when I wasn't lookin'. Somebody said it gave new meaning to the term "wet into wet" but another quipped "the cow's got good taste in art." Editor Kelly Kane just said "everybody's a critic!"

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Join Me at Plein Air Utah Sept 11-15, 2018

I will be one of dozens of plein air instructors at the Plein Air Utah event in Midway UT Sep 11-15, 2018. Check out the list of teachers and presenters below and register now. It's already 2/3 full with only 100 openings. Can't wait to paint elbow to elbow with some of my favorite artists.