Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Plein Air Painting at Fibonacci's new Main Street Gallery Opening

Roland Lee plein air paints historic Judd's Store during Saturday paint out at opening of Fibonacci's Main Street Gallery in St. George. Jason Bowen and Steve McGinty also painted nearby. 
It was great to join with fellow artists Steve McGinty and Jason Bowen for a day of outdoor painting as part of our Three-man Show at Fibonacci's new Main Street Gallery in St. George, Utah. All three of us set up around the corner from the gallery on Tabernacle street, and chose different locations to paint. I parked my faithful art camper across the street from Judd's Store where I could stand in its shade while I painted. Later that day the plein air paintings were available at a silent auction. Thanks to Wade Wixom for organizing the event and taking this cool photo.

Fibonacci's Main Street Gallery is located in the beautifully restored Main Street Theater and Ballroom building in historic St. George Utah
Plein Air painting of historic Judd's Store in downtown St. George, UT.

Monday, October 20, 2014

New Fibonacci Main Street Gallery Celebrates Opening with Three Man Show This Weekend

I am proud to have been invited to be part of a three-man show this weekend at the newly opened Fibonacci Main Street Gallery in St. George Utah. The show kicks off the evening of Friday October 24 with a reception for artists Roland Lee, Steve McGinty, and Jason Bowen. Each artist will have about ten paintings on display. The artists will also be on hand all day Saturday October 25 to visit with collectors and work on demonstration paintings. There will be a silent auction Saturday from 5 to 8pm.  The Main Street Gallery is located at 35 North Main, St. George, UT 84770.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Back from Europe with a loaded sketch book

Nellie and I in Germany below Castle Neuschwanstein
We just returned from 18 days in Europe. The weather was wonderful and the scenery spectacular. I filled a sketchbook with drawings and can't wait to turn them into paintings. I am planning for a European Painting show sometime in early December that will include paintings from Tuscany and the Bavarian Alps. In the next couple of weeks I will post some of the drawings. In the meantime I will participate in The Plein Air Artists of Utah group show at Alderwood Gallery in Salt Lake City October 17, and a three-man show at Fibonacci's new Main Street Gallery in St. George October 24-25 with Steve McGinty and Jason Bowen.
Roland Lee sketching in Italy

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Roland Lee Receives Medal from Utah Governor Gary Herbert in Ceremony at Governor's Mansion

Utah Governor Gary Herbert and First Lady Jeanette Herbert pose with artist Roland Lee after awarding him the Utah Governor's Mansion Artist Award for Visual Arts August 20.
     It was a grand night indeed! An intimate dinner with Utah Governor and Mrs. Herbert. My paintings on display in the Governor's Mansion. A wonderful outdoor concert. And receiving a medal from the Governor. The only thing that made it even better was having a few of my choice friends and family there to enjoy it.
    The Governor's Mansion Artist Series Awards are given each year to a visual artist and performing artist who have made contributions to the arts in Utah. I was thrilled to be in the company of Dr. Craig Jessop, formerly Music Director of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, as he and I both received the awards on August 20 in Salt Lake City. Now the founding Dean of the Caine College of the Arts at Utah State University, Dr. Jessop brought a group of outstanding students and faculty to perform.

Honoree Craig Jessop is greeted by Governor Gary Herbert at the Governor's Mansion
The lovely decor and antiques of the historic Kearns Mansion were a perfect backdrop for my paintings. Gallery owner and committee member David Ericson assisted with the display of the paintings.
The program for the evening's events
     The evening began with dinner in the mansion, joined by the Governor, First Lady, a few wonderful event sponsors and lovely music from Utah State University music students. The elegant meal was catered by Lori Tolbert.

An intimate dinner at the Governor's Mansion prior to receiving the Governor's Mansion Artist Award
     A beautiful outdoor reception followed with many invited guests witnessing the art show, awarding of the medals, and an incredible concert by the Fry Street Quartet.  Threatening storm clouds and occasional bursts of lightning added just the right touch of drama to the event. Finally at the conclusion, a cloudburst opened up, and guests dashed into the mansion to enjoy refreshments and viewing of the paintings. It couldn't have worked out better.
     We all owe a debt of gratitude to Governor and Mrs. Herbert for their love and support of education and the arts. I would also like to thank the Brent and Bonnie Beasley Foundation, Dell Loy and Lynnette Hansen, Greg and Denise Ericksen, Friends of Roland Lee, the Governors Mansion Foundation Members, and Governor's Mansion Artist Series Committee Members for giving of their time and resources in support of the Governors Mansion Artist Series.
     A special thanks to Mary Bangerter, Lorelie Andrus, Carolyn Loder, and David Ericson whose careful attention to details made everything run smooth. Also to O.C. Tanner for providing the beautiful medals. And finally, how could the arts survive in Utah without the ongoing support of Zions Bank, the George S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Foundation, and the Utah Division of Fine Arts and Museums.
     Thanks everyone for making a magical night!

The Fry Street Quartet from Utah State University gave an incredible performance
Guests enjoy the Roland Lee Art Exhibit at the Utah Governor's Mansion
Left to right: Utah Governor Gary Herbert, First Lady Jeanette Herbert, artist Roland Lee, wife Nellie Lee, and son Jim Lee
Some of my family were able to attend. Left to right: Jason and Jennie Maestri, Andrea Conley, Barbara and Jim Lee, and my dear wife Nellie. 

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Governors Mansion Artist Award and Art Show

Roland Lee will receive the Governors Mansion Artist Award August 20 at a reception and art show of his paintings at the governor's mansion in Salt Lake City, Utah on August 20, 2014. Photo by Roland Lee
I will be honored with an art award at the Governors Mansion in Salt Lake City, Utah on August 20, 2014. Utah Governor Gary Herbert and his wife Jeanette will host a reception and art show at the historic Kearns Mansion (now the governors mansion) that night. If you've ever wanted to snoop inside the governors mansion and see the cool artwork and antiques, let me know. I'll get you an invitation. "The Utah Governors Mansion artist awards are presented each year to individuals who have made significant contributions to the visual and performing arts in Utah."

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Budding Artists Visit My Studio

My daughter's friend Kirstin Anderson teaches weekly art classes to children in Cedar City, Utah. She brought some of the students to St. George today for a visit to my studio and gallery, as well as make some pottery, and visit the St. George Art Museum. The young people were interested in my watercolor paintings, but especially liked the travel sketch books. They had lots of good questions and it was fun talking to them.
Kirstin Anderson's art students visit the Roland Lee Studio and Gallery

Monday, June 23, 2014

Field Studies and Paintings on Utah's Grand Staircase Geology Trail - Part 1

Roland Lee painting Thor's Hammer along the trail below the rim at Bryce Canyon National Park. It's amazing how many people want to stop and look over your shoulder when you're painting on the Grand Staircase Escalante trail or in Bryce National Park. This photo was taken by an oriental tourist who insisted on having his picture taken with me. 
In the next few posts I thought I'd show a few of my sketchbook field notes, drawings and location paintings from last week's research trip along the Grand Staircase in Utah. I've been painting the Utah landscape for many years, but it was fun to make the trip with a couple of geology professors. It was like having my own living "on-site" Google reference. Any time I had a question I could just ask and they would tell me. And I had lots of questions. Of course their perspective is about the geologic details, and mine is all about the light and shadow on the landscape. Theirs is about accuracy and mine is all about artistic license. So it was a fun pairing. We had a blast together.
    These studies were done in Bryce Canyon. Of course Bryce is not in the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument (since it is its own national park), but it showcases the Pink Cliffs of the Claron formation on the geologic Grand Staircase, and is probably the must stunning and well-known spot on the route. We spent one whole day here.

My on-location sketchbook study of Thor's Hammer in Bryce Canyon National Park
My on-location plein air painting study of Thor's Hammer in Bryce Canyon National Park
My outdoor plein air painting box made by Sienna holds all my paints, brushes, and paper and sits atop a tripod. It can be set up in minutes anywhere I want to paint. Even on the trail in Bryce Canyon National Park. On the pochade box is my watercolor painting of Thor's Hammer. 140 lb. Arches watercolor paper and Daniel Smith watercolor paints.
Thors Hammer and Temple of Osiris. Watercolor studio painting by Roland Lee

Friday, June 20, 2014

Sketching and Painting the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument

Artist Roland Lee making a sketch in his field book on a research trip of the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. Photo by Dr. Robert L. Eves
What a week! Nellie and I enjoyed four days traveling the backroads of the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument taking in the sites, studying the geology of the region, and making sketchbook studies and plein air paintings. Now that's what I call a fun week all in the name of work. We were joined by Nellie's sister Tricia and husband Dr. Robert Eves, and his colleague Dr. Larry Davis--both geology professors. Our goal was to retrace the steps they took in producing a road guide to the Grand Staircase geology about 12 years ago, and update it with illustrations and original artwork. That's where I came in. They provided the geologic information and I provided the artwork. We hope to have laid the foundation for not only an update of their previous road guide, but possibly a new guidebook aimed at simplifying the geology of the Grand Staircase for artists and photographers.
Roland Lee, Professor Robert Eves and Professor Larry Davis at LeFevre Overlook on Highway 89A. From here you can see all the geologic layers of Utah's Grand Staircase which extend northward for 150 miles from Grand Canyon to Bryce Canyon.

From LeFevre Overlook we survey the landscape we will cover over the next few days.

Dr. Robert L. Eves and Dr. Larry Davis discuss the development of the sandstone narrows of Willis Creek on the Skutumpah Terrace section of the Grand Staircase in Utah. Photo by Roland Lee

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Painting the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument

We will be traveling the incredible scenic backroads of Utah for the next three days as I explore and paint the geologic wonders of the Grand Staircase. I will be traveling with two noted geology professors, Robert L. Eves from Southern Utah University and Larry Davis from the College of St. Benedict, St. Johns University as they work on a research project. My job is to tag along, try to learn something, and paint what I see. I kind of envision myself in the role of artist Frederick Dellenbaugh accompanying John Wesley Powell on his early explorations, but I think I might be over-glamorizing things a bit, since we will spend our nights in motels. Anyway, I am excited to get to go exploring in the land that I dearly love with like-minded individuals. Hopefully I can post some of my sketches soon. We will start near Kanab in Johnson Canyon, head north to Bryce Canyon area, and end at Escalante, covering over 275 million years of geologic history in a few days. Amazing!
This awesome illustration by Dick Beasley shows the grand staircase from the Grand Canyon to Bryce. 275 million years of geologic history are laid bare for the visitor to see.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Hitting the Road in my Rolling Studio

Primitive camping at Sand Hollow Reservoir with my 1992 Six Pac Super Mini Camper and classic 1988 Toyota 4 x 4 pickup
Some people may call it vacationing, but for an artist any trip into the country is a chance to sketch and gather painting reference material. That's just what I did last week and this week with research trips to Snow Canyon and Sand Hollow Reservoir. My little Six Pac Super mini camper makes it easy to be on location for those great morning sunrise and evening sunset images. I have the camper outfitted with my plein air painting supplies, and everything I need to stay on location a couple of days at a time. My classic 1988 four wheel drive Toyota pickup is the perfect offroad rig as well, with its high clearance, off-road tires, and small footprint.
Six Pac Super Mini Camper on a 1988 Toyota pickup. Just the right size for off-roading.

My painting rig on the Beach at Sand Hollow Reservoir near St. George UT