From the time we arrived in Holland Nellie wanted to have our picture taken in full
traditional Dutch costumes. Everywhere we went in the Netherlands she would ask, and they would always tell us to go to Volendam where they still wear traditional clothing. Since we were in Zeeland, at Holland's southern end I wasn't anxious to drive clear up to Volendam which is north of Amsterdam. But alas, we finally got there and took this picture. Once in costume I discovered I could also play the accordian -- amazing!

Our first stop in Volendam was the Volendam museum. I quickly sketched the building before going inside. They had a wonderful display of traditional Dutch clothing and fantastic historical displays, but I was most intrigued by the number of gorgeous original Dutch genre paintings hanging throughout the museum.

Nellie and her sisters are going to throw a "Dutch Girl Party" for all the nieces and granddaughters this week, so they paid careful attention to the
Dutch girl caps. They are made of heavily starched lace material with long wings. I thought it would be tough to keep them on in the wind, or stay starched in the rain.

I sketched these hats while in the Volendam Museum. Nellie bought a couple of Dutch girl hats, lace, and other traditional Dutch clothing items while we were in Volendam. I'm grateful we didn't have to pack home wooden shoes too. We already have those at home.
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Holland Travel Sketchbook Drawings by Roland Lee