With rain falling, and the forecast of more for the weekend, we headed up the slippery roads to our cabin at Zion National Park. We accompanied my daughter Jennie, her husband Jason, and grandkids Emma, Ellie, and Joshua who would not be denied their three-day vacation by the threat of foul weather. The slick muddy roads gave their mini van a little trouble, but we made it to the cabin in time to get the wood stove fired up and make our cosy beds. The unusually crisp air and the sounds of gentle rain dripping from the pine needles made for perfect sleeping as we snuggled into our beds.

After a wet night, the dawn broke to a thin fog which veiled the pine trees around the cabins. It wasn't long however, til the haze broke up allowing the morning rays of sunlight to sparkle like diamonds on the wet leaves. Jennie cooked up a delicious cabin breakfast of deli bacon, fried eggs, toast and hot chocolate which got the day started in fine form.

Jason set up his hammock, I strung up my sky chair, Nellie found a comfortable lounge chair, and the grandkids busied themselves in fun craft projects as we lazied our way through the day.
Jennie, Jason, Emma, Ellie, and Josh on the big swing
The oak leaves are starting to turn, but we're still several weeks away from the real show of color in Zion.