We're expecting our kids and grandkids to arrive this afternoon to spend a few days, eating turkey, visiting, and hopefully spending time up in Snow Canyon. The weather is so gorgeous I can't wait to get outdoors. But this morning I am in my studio finishing up a couple of paintings I started earlier in a watercolor painting workshop.
Even before picking up the brushes, though, I have to stop and reflect. As I gaze out my studio window at the incredible view of red rocks and blue sky I know I am blessed beyond measure. Our family has a lot to be thankful for. Everyone's health is good, the kids all have nice homes, and we have two new grandbabies on the way to join the 15 happy grandchildren we already enjoy. Each morning I kneel and thank God for what we have and the life we live here on this part of the earth. It doesn't take much travelling to realize the blessings we enjoy. So many people struggle each day just for enough to eat while we have more than we need. Thanksgiving time helps strengthen my resolve to follow more fully the teachings of Jesus Christ to "Do unto others..." (Luke 6:31) We have lots of opportunities daily to give freely of our time, talents, and substance and I hope I can do a better job of giving without so much judging.