Thursday, May 23, 2024

Painting Compatriot Stevo

 I was pleased that my old painting buddy, Steve Manwaring, stopped by and purchased a small painting I had done on location in Zion Park. He and I have scheduled a couple of on-location painting trips in the future.

Steve Manwaring and Roland Lee with plein air painting

Saturday, May 18, 2024

New Kolob Canyons Painting Sold

 I was pleased to sell this painting at the Gallery 35 today to some collectors from Texas.

"Kolob Canyon Rising" sold to the Watsons at Gallery 35.

Working in my new East Zion Studio

 I am thrilled with my new studio arrangement in east Zion National Park. I have converted one of our cabins to a permanent studio and we three days up there each week. Here are a couple of paintings I completed in the new studio this month.

Roland Lee painting done in my east Zion Studio
Roland Lee painting done in my east Zion Studio

Plein air painting in Zion National Park

 I am enjoying spending three days a week at my cabin studio at east Zion National Park. My studio is working out just fine, plus I have been going into Zion each day to do some plein air painting. It is working out so well I don't know why I didn't do this sooner.

"Lone Pine" painted en plein air in Zion National Park.

Roland Lee painting done on location in Zion.

Monday, May 13, 2024

American Watercolor Society

 My painting "Resting Peacefully" was accepted into the Associates only online exhibit which runs from June 6 to August 20, 2024. The painting is on the AWS YouTube page.

"Resting Peacefully" watercolor by Roland Lee. American Watercolor Society Associates show.