An excited third grade class busily works on their art |
My niece Lizzy Bowler invited me to visit her third grade class at Valley Charter School this morning and share a little about being an artist. Afterwards I was totally exhausted and very appreciative of all the wonderful teachers who have the energy to teach our children. The kids were all enthusiastic, interested, and asked tons of great questions -- even though we had to resort to occasional rounds of "One, two three...look at me" to quiet their excited chatter. But like most young people, they were eager to get their hands on pencils and crayons and show me their creations. After telling them about my trip to the town of
Giethoorn Holland (where there are no cars or roads, only canals and boats) I asked them to draw what they thought it would be like to live there. Their imaginations ran wild as they concocted paintings of canal boats with them and their friends at the helm. Each wanted to show me what they had made, get my autograph, and give me a hug before reluctantly heading out to recess. It just reminded me that all children love to draw. They don't need instruction, just tools and paper to keep them happily busy for hours. Hmmm, sounds just like me! Maybe I never did grow up after all.